Questions sometime sucks! Really?

Some people are often afraid of questions,

  1. in the classroom
  2. by the teacher
  3. the cop frightens you too
  4. your dad seems to be a little serious in asking them
  5. girlfriends have a hobby of asking (stupid?) questions
  6. and the list goes on...

Whats the reason behind it? Any scientific one or just a logical?
(i jst askd u a qstn!)

What the GATs Blogger say is,
''ask them as much you want, but please do it.''
''I am here to answer those muggy-shaggy, ugly-pugly, dreamy-creamy, naughty-shawty, them to everyone of you''

Now What?

Everyone is welcomed
Share along you get answer
Let others too have it
Comment and Feedback to me
  ''to let me know I am worth it, like everyone of you geniuses...<3.''

The GATs Blogger.


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