Microsoft Azure Latest Updates

Following are the latest updates to Microsoft Azure since you last visited: 

Dec 12

Azure Data Factory supports preserving metadata during file copy

Azure Data Factory copy activity now supports preserving metadata during file copy among Amazon S3, Azure Blob, and Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2.

Dec 11

Microsoft plans to establish new cloud datacenter region in Qatar

Microsoft recently announced plans to establish a new cloud datacenter region in Qatar to deliver its intelligent, trusted cloud services and expand the Microsoft global cloud infrastructure to 55 cloud regions in 20 countries.

Dec 11

Azure Migrateā€”Agentless dependency analysis is now available in preview

Azure Migrate now supports agentless dependency analysis in a limited preview.

Dec 11

Azure Lighthouse receives 2019 CRN Tech Innovator Award

Azure Lighthouse has been recognized as the Managed Service Partner (MSP) Technology category winner of the 2019 CRN Tech Innovator Award.

Dec 11

New Azure PowerShell module is available in preview

The new PowerShell module for Azure provides updates to all Azure services and comes with a preview module for Azure Kubernetes Service and Azure Functions.

Dec 11

Azure Red Hat OpenShift region expansion

Azure Red Hat OpenShift is now generally available in Brazil South, Central India, Japan East, Korea Central, North Central US and South Africa North.

Dec 11

Azure Private Link support in AKS now in preview

Use Azure Private Link support in AKS to Interact with the Kubernetes API server as a private endpoint in your virtual network, ensuring that all Kubernetes management operations remain completely isolated.

Dec 11

Azure Service Fabric 7.0 is now available

The new Azure Service Fabric release introduces several new features as well as stability and performance improvements.

Dec 11

Proximity placement groups are now available

Proximity placement groupsā€”an Azure Virtual Machine logical grouping capability to decrease inter-VM network latencyā€”is now available.

Dec 11

Azure Database for MySQL support for MySQL 8.0 is now available

Azure Database for MySQL now provides general availability support for the latest major version of MySQL, version 8.0.


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